Wondering If You're Ready To Be A Homeowner?
Here are 10 Quick Questions From Real Potential Home Buyer’s
Am I Ready to Be a Homeowner?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, then you are an ideal home buyer! You are ready to become a homeowner!
Is Renting or Buying Better?
Buying: You gain homeownership, equity and tax breaks. Not to mention you will own property.
Renting: you won’t see any of the above benefits. You will be paying someone else’s mortgage and they will be the ones enjoying the aforementioned benefits.
What Is the Lender's Formula?
Good credit + stable income = Approval
What Do I Look for in Homes?
You can use any of the websites available to look for homes for sale or go into our website
Do I Need a Home Warranty?
A home warranty is always a peace of mind for unexpected expenses such as appliances, electrical or plumbing systems, and HVACs.
What Should I Expect at Closing?
You should expect to have a smooth closing and get the keys of your new home!
What Is Pre-approval?
When you are ready to buy a house, you need to get pre-approved. In order to get pre-approved, you need to have a stable income and good credit.
Am I Ready to Rent?
If you don’t want the long time commitment that you get when you purchase a home, then renting is for you.
What Should I Offer?
Depending on the market, it could be either a seller’s or a buyer’s market. Right now, you should be aware that it is a seller’s market. Normally, you will want to offer full price and ask for no closing costs paid by the seller. Otherwise, you should be ready to make a very competitive offer.
Can I Ask You for Advice?
Any of the agents at Better Homes and Commercial Realty will be glad to answer any of the questions you might have. Don’t hesitate to send a message, text, or give us a call!
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